Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
We appreciate your visit to our website and want to assure you that we respect your privacy. This website is owned and operated by Center City Stage for the primary purpose of providing general information about our programs and activities.
Automatically Collected Information
Lantern Theater Company uses Google Analytics to automatically collect non-personal information about visitors to our website, which we use to better understand how visitors are using our website and to guide future improvements. The web servers hosting our website also automatically collect non-personal information about our visitors. The information gathered in both cases includes:
The length of time spent browsing this website
The domain name and/or ISP address used to access this website (Comcast, Verizon, etc.)
The type of browser(s) used to access this website (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
The type of operating system(s) used to access this website (Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, etc.)
Note: email addresses and other personally identifiable information are NOT automatically collected Cookies.
The Center City Stage website deposits small text files of information called "cookies" on every visitor's computer. Cookies are sent back only to the website that deposited them when a visitor returns to that same website. Cookies tell us how and when pages in a website are visited and by how many people. This technology does not collect any personally identifiable information; all information collected in this manner is in aggregate, non-identifiable form. We use the information collected through this technology to inform future improvements to our website and other programming.
Personal Information
Center City Stage requests personal information when visitors order tickets, make a donation, register for classes, submit general forms, or contact us to request specific information. At the visitor's discretion, this personal information may include name, email address, phone number, mailing address, etc. Center City Stage never collects any personally identifiable information, except that which is voluntarily submitted by website visitors.
Third-Party Service Providers
Center City Stage may engage reputable third-party vendors that help us manage our website and marketing campaigns, and allow us to provide better service to our visitors, patrons, and donors. This may include third-party vendors engaged in analyzing, for marketing purposes, the information collected on our website.
By using the Center City Stage website, you consent to the collection and use of information as described above. If we decide to change this Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of the types of information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it.
Links To Other Websites
We may make content and/or services from other websites available from links located on this website. These other websites are not subject to this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy at each such website to determine how that website protects your privacy.
Terms Of Use
The information provided on this website is for general use by our audience, and all information is subject to change without notice. Information contained on this website is presented "as is" and may contain inaccuracies. Lantern Theater Company's website is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of the terms, conditions, and notices contained herein. Lantern Theater Company offers no liabilities or warranties of any kind in your use of this website.
This website is owned and operated by Center City Stage. The contents of this website including all text, logos, photos, artwork, video, audio, graphic design, and website design are for personal, educational, and noncommercial use only and are the sole property of Lantern Theater Company. No part of this website may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written consent from Lantern Theater Company.
Contacting Center City Stage
If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or this website, please contact us.